CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 15
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 15 (1997)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-10].iso
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/* Copyright (C) 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
This file is part of Aladdin Ghostscript.
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or distributor accepts any responsibility for the consequences of using it,
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License (the "License") for full details.
Every copy of Aladdin Ghostscript must include a copy of the License,
normally in a plain ASCII text file named PUBLIC. The License grants you
the right to copy, modify and redistribute Aladdin Ghostscript, but only
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License requires that the copyright notice and this notice be preserved on
all copies.
/* gdevm24.c */
/* 24-bit-per-pixel "memory" (stored bitmap) device */
#include "memory_.h"
#include "gx.h"
#include "gxdevice.h"
#include "gxdevmem.h" /* semi-public definitions */
#include "gdevmem.h" /* private definitions */
extern dev_proc_strip_copy_rop(mem_gray8_rgb24_strip_copy_rop); /* in gdevmrop.c */
#define mem_true24_strip_copy_rop mem_gray8_rgb24_strip_copy_rop
/* ================ Standard (byte-oriented) device ================ */
#undef chunk
#define chunk byte
/* Procedures */
declare_mem_procs(mem_true24_copy_mono, mem_true24_copy_color, mem_true24_fill_rectangle);
private dev_proc_copy_alpha(mem_true24_copy_alpha);
/* The device descriptor. */
const gx_device_memory far_data mem_true24_device =
mem_full_alpha_device("image24", 24, 0, mem_open,
gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color, gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb,
mem_true24_copy_mono, mem_true24_copy_color, mem_true24_fill_rectangle,
mem_get_bits, gx_default_map_cmyk_color, mem_true24_copy_alpha,
gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle, mem_true24_strip_copy_rop);
/* Convert x coordinate to byte offset in scan line. */
#undef x_to_byte
#define x_to_byte(x) ((x) * 3)
/* Unpack a color into its bytes. */
#define declare_unpack_color(r, g, b, color)\
byte r = (byte)(color >> 16);\
byte g = (byte)((uint)color >> 8);\
byte b = (byte)color
/* Put a 24-bit color into the bitmap. */
#define put3(ptr, r, g, b)\
(ptr)[0] = r, (ptr)[1] = g, (ptr)[2] = b
/* Put 4 bytes of color into the bitmap. */
#define putw(ptr, wxyz)\
*(bits32 *)(ptr) = (wxyz)
/* Load the 3-word 24-bit-color cache. */
/* Free variables: [m]dev, rgbr, gbrg, brgb. */
#if arch_is_big_endian
# define set_color24_cache(crgb, r, g, b)\
mdev->color24.rgbr = rgbr = ((bits32)(crgb) << 8) | (r),\
mdev->color24.gbrg = gbrg = (rgbr << 8) | (g),\
mdev->color24.brgb = brgb = (gbrg << 8) | (b),\
mdev->color24.rgb = (crgb)
# define set_color24_cache(crgb, r, g, b)\
mdev->color24.rgbr = rgbr =\
((bits32)(r) << 24) | ((bits32)(b) << 16) |\
((bits16)(g) << 8) | (r),\
mdev->color24.brgb = brgb = (rgbr << 8) | (b),\
mdev->color24.gbrg = gbrg = (brgb << 8) | (g),\
mdev->color24.rgb = (crgb)
/* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
private int
mem_true24_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev,
int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index color)
{ declare_unpack_color(r, g, b, color);
* In order to avoid testing w > 0 and h > 0 twice, we defer
* executing setup_rect, and use fit_fill_xywh instead of
* fit_fill.
fit_fill_xywh(dev, x, y, w, h);
if ( w >= 5 )
{ if ( h <= 0 )
return 0;
if ( r == g && r == b)
#if 1
/* We think we can do better than the library's memset.... */
int bcntm7 = w * 3 - 7;
register bits32 cword = color | (color << 24);
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ register byte *pptr = dest;
byte *limit = pptr + bcntm7;
/* We want to store full words, but we have to */
/* guarantee that they are word-aligned. */
switch ( x & 3 )
case 3: *pptr++ = (byte)cword;
case 2: *pptr++ = (byte)cword;
case 1: *pptr++ = (byte)cword;
case 0: ;
/* Even with w = 5, we always store at least */
/* 3 full words, regardless of the starting x. */
*(bits32 *)pptr =
((bits32 *)pptr)[1] =
((bits32 *)pptr)[2] = cword;
pptr += 12;
while ( pptr < limit )
{ *(bits32 *)pptr =
((bits32 *)pptr)[1] = cword;
pptr += 8;
switch ( pptr - limit )
case 0: pptr[6] = (byte)cword;
case 1: pptr[5] = (byte)cword;
case 2: pptr[4] = (byte)cword;
case 3: *(bits32 *)pptr = cword;
case 4: pptr[2] = (byte)cword;
case 5: pptr[1] = (byte)cword;
case 6: pptr[0] = (byte)cword;
case 7: ;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
int bcnt = w * 3;
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ memset(dest, r, bcnt);
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
{ int x3 = -x & 3, ww = w - x3; /* we know ww >= 2 */
bits32 rgbr, gbrg, brgb;
if ( mdev->color24.rgb == color )
rgbr = mdev->color24.rgbr,
gbrg = mdev->color24.gbrg,
brgb = mdev->color24.brgb;
set_color24_cache(color, r, g, b);
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ register byte *pptr = dest;
int w1 = ww;
switch ( x3 )
case 1:
put3(pptr, r, g, b);
pptr += 3; break;
case 2:
pptr[0] = r; pptr[1] = g;
putw(pptr + 2, brgb);
pptr += 6; break;
case 3:
pptr[0] = r;
putw(pptr + 1, gbrg);
putw(pptr + 5, brgb);
pptr += 9; break;
case 0:
while ( w1 >= 4 )
{ putw(pptr, rgbr);
putw(pptr + 4, gbrg);
putw(pptr + 8, brgb);
pptr += 12;
w1 -= 4;
switch ( w1 )
case 1:
put3(pptr, r, g, b);
case 2:
putw(pptr, rgbr);
pptr[4] = g; pptr[5] = b;
case 3:
putw(pptr, rgbr);
putw(pptr + 4, gbrg);
pptr[8] = b;
case 0:
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
else if ( h > 0 ) /* w < 5 */
switch ( w )
case 4:
{ dest[9] = dest[6] = dest[3] = dest[0] = r;
dest[10] = dest[7] = dest[4] = dest[1] = g;
dest[11] = dest[8] = dest[5] = dest[2] = b;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
while ( --h );
case 3:
{ dest[6] = dest[3] = dest[0] = r;
dest[7] = dest[4] = dest[1] = g;
dest[8] = dest[5] = dest[2] = b;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
while ( --h );
case 2:
{ dest[3] = dest[0] = r;
dest[4] = dest[1] = g;
dest[5] = dest[2] = b;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
while ( --h );
case 1:
{ dest[0] = r, dest[1] = g, dest[2] = b;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
while ( --h );
case 0:
return 0;
/* Copy a monochrome bitmap. */
private int
mem_true24_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
const byte *base, int sourcex, int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
{ const byte *line;
int sbit;
int first_bit;
fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
line = base + (sourcex >> 3);
sbit = sourcex & 7;
first_bit = 0x80 >> sbit;
if ( zero != gx_no_color_index )
{ /* Loop for halftones or inverted masks */
/* (never used). */
declare_unpack_color(r0, g0, b0, zero);
declare_unpack_color(r1, g1, b1, one);
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ register byte *pptr = dest;
const byte *sptr = line;
register int sbyte = *sptr++;
register int bit = first_bit;
int count = w;
{ if ( sbyte & bit )
{ if ( one != gx_no_color_index )
put3(pptr, r1, g1, b1);
put3(pptr, r0, g0, b0);
pptr += 3;
if ( (bit >>= 1) == 0 )
bit = 0x80, sbyte = *sptr++;
while ( --count > 0 );
line += sraster;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
else if ( one != gx_no_color_index )
{ /* Loop for character and pattern masks. */
/* This is used heavily. */
declare_unpack_color(r1, g1, b1, one);
int first_mask = first_bit << 1;
int first_count, first_skip;
if ( sbit + w > 8 )
first_mask -= 1,
first_count = 8 - sbit;
first_mask -= first_mask >> w,
first_count = w;
first_skip = first_count * 3;
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ register byte *pptr = dest;
const byte *sptr = line;
register int sbyte = *sptr++ & first_mask;
int count = w - first_count;
if ( sbyte )
{ register int bit = first_bit;
{ if ( sbyte & bit )
put3(pptr, r1, g1, b1);
pptr += 3;
while ( (bit >>= 1) & first_mask );
pptr += first_skip;
while ( count >= 8 )
{ sbyte = *sptr++;
if ( sbyte & 0xf0 )
{ if ( sbyte & 0x80 )
put3(pptr, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 0x40 )
put3(pptr + 3, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 0x20 )
put3(pptr + 6, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 0x10 )
put3(pptr + 9, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 0xf )
{ if ( sbyte & 8 )
put3(pptr + 12, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 4 )
put3(pptr + 15, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 2 )
put3(pptr + 18, r1, g1, b1);
if ( sbyte & 1 )
put3(pptr + 21, r1, g1, b1);
pptr += 24;
count -= 8;
if ( count > 0 )
{ register int bit = 0x80;
sbyte = *sptr++;
{ if ( sbyte & bit )
put3(pptr, r1, g1, b1);
pptr += 3;
bit >>= 1;
while ( --count > 0 );
line += sraster;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
return 0;
/* Copy a color bitmap. */
private int
mem_true24_copy_color(gx_device *dev,
const byte *base, int sourcex, int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
{ fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
mem_copy_byte_rect(mdev, base, sourcex, sraster, x, y, w, h);
return 0;
/* Copy an alpha map. */
private int
mem_true24_copy_alpha(gx_device *dev, const byte *base, int sourcex,
int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id, int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color, int depth)
{ const byte *line;
declare_unpack_color(r, g, b, color);
fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
line = base;
while ( h-- > 0 )
{ register byte *pptr = dest;
int sx;
for ( sx = sourcex; sx < sourcex + w; ++sx, pptr += 3 )
{ int alpha2, alpha;
if ( depth == 2 ) /* map 0 - 3 to 0 - 15 */
alpha =
((line[sx >> 2] >> ((3 - (sx & 3)) << 1)) & 3) * 5;
alpha2 = line[sx >> 1],
alpha = (sx & 1 ? alpha2 & 0xf : alpha2 >> 4);
if ( alpha == 15 )
{ /* Just write the new color. */
put3(pptr, r, g, b);
else if ( alpha != 0 )
{ /* Blend RGB values. */
#define make_shade(old, clr, alpha, amax) \
(old) + (((int)(clr) - (int)(old)) * (alpha) / (amax))
pptr[0] = make_shade(pptr[0], r, alpha, 15);
pptr[1] = make_shade(pptr[1], g, alpha, 15);
pptr[2] = make_shade(pptr[2], b, alpha, 15);
#undef make_shade
line += sraster;
inc_ptr(dest, draster);
return 0;
/* ================ "Word"-oriented device ================ */
/* Note that on a big-endian machine, this is the same as the */
/* standard byte-oriented-device. */
#if !arch_is_big_endian
/* Procedures */
declare_mem_procs(mem24_word_copy_mono, mem24_word_copy_color, mem24_word_fill_rectangle);
/* Here is the device descriptor. */
const gx_device_memory far_data mem_true24_word_device =
mem_full_device("image24w", 24, 0, mem_open,
gx_default_rgb_map_rgb_color, gx_default_rgb_map_color_rgb,
mem24_word_copy_mono, mem24_word_copy_color, mem24_word_fill_rectangle,
mem_word_get_bits, gx_default_map_cmyk_color,
gx_default_strip_tile_rectangle, gx_no_strip_copy_rop);
/* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
private int
mem24_word_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
gx_color_index color)
{ byte *base;
uint raster;
fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
base = scan_line_base(mdev, y);
raster = mdev->raster;
mem_swap_byte_rect(base, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, true);
mem_true24_fill_rectangle(dev, x, y, w, h, color);
mem_swap_byte_rect(base, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, false);
return 0;
/* Copy a bitmap. */
private int
mem24_word_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
const byte *base, int sourcex, int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
{ byte *row;
uint raster;
bool store;
fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
row = scan_line_base(mdev, y);
raster = mdev->raster;
store = (zero != gx_no_color_index && one != gx_no_color_index);
mem_swap_byte_rect(row, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, store);
mem_true24_copy_mono(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id,
x, y, w, h, zero, one);
mem_swap_byte_rect(row, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, false);
return 0;
/* Copy a color bitmap. */
private int
mem24_word_copy_color(gx_device *dev,
const byte *base, int sourcex, int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
int x, int y, int w, int h)
{ byte *row;
uint raster;
fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
row = scan_line_base(mdev, y);
raster = mdev->raster;
mem_swap_byte_rect(row, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, true);
bytes_copy_rectangle(row + x * 3, raster, base + sourcex * 3, sraster,
w * 3, h);
mem_swap_byte_rect(row, raster, x * 24, w * 24, h, false);
return 0;
#endif /* !arch_is_big_endian */